Archive for August, 2019

A Miami Copywriter Explains Search Intent

Keywords are essential to your 2019 SEO strategy. It used to be that a marketer would do a little research and then present a business owner with a list of phrases to be included in their content. Search intent is now the focus. As a Miami copywriter, I can assure you that search intent is a powerful concept that should be considered when generating copy.

Search intent

Google now wants keywords to be as conversational as possible: phrases that people use when speaking with others – or with Siri, Alexa or another assistant. Informational intent is when someone wants the answer to a question. For example, “Where do people buy beetroot lattes?” or “When is the best time to scuba dive in Miami?”/“When are home sales lower?” or “What’s the best way to improve my curb appeal to sell my home?” Navigational intent is used to get to a specific website, such as This type of search intent is only valuable if you are the destination site. Transactional intent is when someone is ready to buy and is searching for the best deal. Similar to transactional intent, commercial investigation is when searchers need a bit more time and convincing before making a purchase. 

Making search intent work for you

A website must reflect the needs of warm leads. Have articles front and center for those searching with informational intent. If a visitor is searching with transactional intent, have products and services on display as soon as they land on your page. Make sure they have direct access to your shop. You cannot do anything for navigational searchers unless you are the specific website they want. Have some fun with commercial investigators by creating graphics with price and feature comparisons.  

If you are in South Florida or beyond, trust this Miami copywriter to generate high-quality SEO copy that gets results. Call 786-208-0451 so we can create a strategy that is perfect for your business.

A Miami Copywriter Explains Anchor Text

Highlighting a page with anchor text is one way to attract attention with quality in-bound or outbound links. You can write an article that references another article on your website, or an outside source can highlight a link to your website from theirs. Start by figuring out the best SEO keywords and group them. For example, go big with ‘real estate agent’/’Realtor’ and break it down using a modifier, such as ‘Miami real estate agent’ or ‘Miami Realtor’. Go further with ‘Miami real estate agent Victorian houses’ or ‘Miami Realtor single-family home’. The key is to understand what your target audience would type into the Google search bar and use that as a foundation for your keywords.  Understanding anchor text is easier than you think.

Understanding link building strategies 

Links between different pages on your site matter. Anchor text is the clickable, usually blue text of a link inserted into an article. It is easy to find and is used to attract users and web crawlers. The actual text matters as a ranking element. The href attribute contains two components: the URL, which is the actual link, and the clickable text that appears on the page.  

Types of anchor text

Exact match – uses exact keywords such as ‘luxury homes’ or ‘affordable homes’

Partial match – uses a variation of the keywords, like ‘designer luxury homes’ or ‘affordable homes for sale’

Branded – only the brand acts as an anchor, for example ‘Siren Publications’ 

Image – linking an image, where the clickable hyperlink is the image itself

Naked URL – uses a straight URL, such as ‘’

Generic – uses a basic, unrelated phrase as the anchor, including ‘click here’ or ‘learn more’ 


 Back in the old days, a link that was supposed to be about luxury homes would take the user to a site about cheap shoes. When Google realized keywords were being used in an abusive way, the Penguin update was formulated, using anchor text to create additional context. The best way to go about anchor text is to use partial matches. Maximize anchor text opportunities by using concise and descriptive text. Format links so they are easy to spot and consider the best context for internal and external links. As of now, guest blogging is the best way to secure authenticity for your links without stuffing the hyperlink with keywords.

By understanding anchor text, Siren can ghostwrite your articles to build your credibility. 

Understand SEO with Siren Publications

A Miami Copywriter Explains How to Leverage SEO for Your Website

A search engine is ready to provide a list of solutions with computer systems designed to scour the internet, and store and categorize information based on keywords, keyword phrases and relevancy. Google has rules based on what it believes users want. Keywords and keyword phrases determine what appears on the SERP, the search engine results page. Google’s Andrey Lipattsev, a search quality senior strategist, revealed that the top three ranking factors are links pointing to your site, high-quality content and RankBrain. Turn these guidelines into strategies for your business or real estate listings.


Links pointing to your site are essential, with earned links getting preference over paid ones. Google thinks that more citations equal legitimacy, which signals relevance to web crawlers and drives referral traffic. The process of earning links is time consuming, especially from reputable sources such as The New York Times, but an earned link of that caliber would skyrocket your business to the top of the SERP. Make sure your content is compelling by hiring Siren ask industry influencers to give you a shout out on their websites. 

High-quality content 

The goal of content is to be read, shared and valued. Research content that addresses the pain points of your niche, why these are pain points and which keywords your clients are using to find answers. Generate topics based on the most used keywords and what your audience wants to know. Focus on readability to top SERPs because dwell time, the amount of time a reader stays on your page, signals relevancy to Google. 

Siren focuses on clarity, organization, thought flow and simplicity. The trend for 2019 is to go in-depth with a topic. Choose relevant ones that have many layers and can be stretched into at least 12 articles with multiple citations. Set yourself up as an expert with first-person details and plenty of fresh statistics, studies, information, and research, which will provide an opportunity for other websites to link to yours. Siren is available to do all ghostwriting so you can spend more time selling. 


As a component of Google’s core algorithm, RankBrain uses the ability of machines to teach themselves from data inputs. This is known as machine learning. RankBrain provides a filter that takes into consideration the searcher’s location and word choice to determine their true intent for more relevant results. The algorithm then calculates and teaches itself over time to read and match a variety of signals.  Calculations are used to order search engine rankings. Make sure to have backlinks and content to rank. Keep an eye on what your competitors are doing and how they are ranking to set a plan. 

Contact Siren today to start topping search engine results pages with high-quality, optimized content. 

A Miami Copywriter Explains How to Set Marketing Goals with Big Data

Every cent that goes into marketing is an investment. Even the worst of times can provide ample opportunity for creativity. Proctor and Gamble thrived in the 1920s and 30s using clever marketing for Ivory Soap. How else could someone become a master carver, but to practice on multiple bars of soap? The company had an annual soap carving competition that attracted crowds eager to see who would win the prize money and to get a break from the doom of every headline. 


There is an opportunity in every market and in every time. However, you will not find high ROI if you do not invest marketing funds where they will deliver the most return. Set a structured budget yet be flexible in fund allocation. Shifts in market environments and growth potential among brands or geographies are ignored at your peril. 


Big data marketing is now an exact science. Marketers can understand consumer buying responses in both small and large markets, which enables markets to adjust spend across the variety of channels available from television to Twitter. Examine actual sales over a designated time period, as well as the intensity of consumer activity changes from week to week. Three months is the average length of consumer memory. So, the question is whether to focus on short- or long-term efforts. 

Approaches and techniques

Social media influences consumer brand choice. All products can take advantage of this phenomenon, even the common ones such as soap. Producers/companies have the goal to better target through big data. Traditional avenues are also valuable. All avenues work on some level and should be used. Analytics give a clear idea of what works and what doesn’t, but they cannot solve everything. Big data provides different approaches and techniques to deliver insights   which can be used as fodder for action. But no matter how much intelligence is gathered, action must be taken. 


A customer, either loyal or potential, is valuable. Your product or service provides a solution to their problem (pain points), but you must know the customer enough to personalize your offer. Customization may yield a 10 percent increase in sales. These insights into potential clients are not as easy to find, but they can be effective. What are some ways to personalize? Well, what have they purchased historically? What do they look on their phone for? Are there records of loyal customers’ returns or calls of complaint? Once you have a grasp on these potential customers and their data, set up marketing goals. 


The various channels of engagement must be considered, evaluated and consistent, even after payment is rendered. Big data is not a magic feather: it does not hold out well in the long-term but it does help identify weak factors in the client management cycle. Big data is crucial for segmentation and testing out micromarkets. It also helps decipher which times are optimal for engagement. Insights help you not to waste efforts. Everything counts. 

Seek out opportunities with Siren to extend your reach.