
Q Link Tribal Lines

Facilitator Guide: Handling Inquiries from Native American Tribal Members Interested in Q Link Wireless Service

Welcome to this training session on effectively addressing inquiries from Native American tribal members interested in signing up for Q Link Wireless service. We’re going to focus on understanding the benefits of the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) for tribal lands and how to assist potential customers with their questions. 

At Q Link Wireless, we’re committed to bridging the digital divide and empowering tribal members with access to essential communication services. Our partnership with the ACP ensures that eligible households on tribal lands can enjoy discounted service plans and enhanced connectivity, unlocking a world of opportunities right at their fingertips.

With the ACP, tribal members can access reliable internet and mobile services at affordable rates, enabling seamless communication with loved ones, educational resources, healthcare providers, and employment opportunities. Whether they reside in remote reservations or urban areas, Q Link Wireless is dedicated to providing inclusive and accessible connectivity solutions that meet the unique needs of tribal communities.

Session Objectives:

  • Understand the significance of the ACP for tribal lands
  • Learn how to address inquiries from Native American tribal members interested in Q Link Wireless service
  • Provide accurate information and assistance to potential customers to facilitate the sign-up process

Training Agenda:

  • 1. Introduction to the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP)
  • 2. Key Benefits of ACP for Tribal Lands
  • 3. Handling Inquiries from Native American Tribal Members
  • 4. Providing Assistance and Support
  • 5. Q&A Session

1. Introduction to the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP):

The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is a groundbreaking government initiative aimed at ensuring that all eligible households have access to affordable internet services. This program is designed to bridge the digital divide by providing discounted connectivity solutions to individuals and families who may otherwise struggle to afford reliable internet access. As a proud participant in the ACP, Q Link Wireless is dedicated to extending these benefits to qualifying individuals, including those residing on Native American tribal lands.

At Q Link Wireless, we recognize the importance of connectivity in today’s world, especially for underserved communities. That’s why we’re committed to making affordable internet access a reality for tribal members across the country. Through our partnership with the ACP, we offer discounted service plans that empower tribal households to stay connected with loved ones, access educational resources, seek healthcare services, and pursue employment opportunities, all at an affordable rate.

By leveraging the benefits of the ACP and partnering with Q Link Wireless, eligible individuals on Native American tribal lands can enjoy the transformative power of connectivity without breaking the bank. We’re breaking down barriers and ensuring that every member of our community has the opportunity to thrive in the digital age.

2. Key Benefits of ACP for Tribal Lands:

The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) brings forth a multitude of benefits specifically tailored to tribal lands, as highlighted in the provided resource. One of the primary advantages is the availability of discounted service plans, which enable tribal members to access essential communication services at affordable rates. This means that individuals and families in tribal communities can stay connected with loved ones, access educational resources, and seek healthcare services without facing financial barriers.

Moreover, the ACP facilitates enhanced connectivity on tribal lands, addressing longstanding challenges related to internet access. By providing discounted services through participating providers like Q Link Wireless, the program ensures that tribal members have reliable access to high-speed internet, empowering them to participate fully in the digital world. This enhanced connectivity opens up a world of opportunities for tribal communities, from accessing remote learning and telemedicine services to exploring economic opportunities and staying informed about current events.

Overall, the ACP plays a crucial role in improving the quality of life for tribal members by bridging the digital divide and ensuring equitable access to essential communication services. By offering discounted service plans and enhancing connectivity on tribal lands, the program fosters greater inclusion and empowerment, enabling tribal communities to thrive in today’s interconnected society.

3. Handling Inquiries from Native American Tribal Members:

Scenario 1: Active Listening and Empathetic Response

  • CSR: “Thank you for calling Q Link Wireless, how may I assist you today?”
  • Customer: “Hi, I’m calling because I’ve heard about the Affordable Connectivity Program for tribal lands. I’m interested in learning more.”
  • CSR: “Absolutely, I’d be happy to help. Can I ask which tribal community you belong to?”
  • Customer: “I’m from the Navajo Nation.”
  • CSR: “Thank you for sharing. We understand the importance of providing affordable and reliable connectivity to tribal communities. Let me explain how the program works and how it can benefit you specifically…”

Scenario 2: Addressing Specific Needs with Respect

  • CSR: “Hello, thank you for contacting Q Link Wireless. How can I assist you today?”
  • Customer: “I’m calling because I live on a reservation and I’m looking for a phone plan that fits my budget.”
  • CSR: “Of course, I’m here to help. Can you tell me a bit more about your specific needs and concerns?”
  • Customer: “Well, I need a plan that offers enough data for me to stay connected with my family and access important services, but I also need it to be affordable.”
  • CSR: “I understand. We offer discounted service plans through the Affordable Connectivity Program for tribal lands, which could be a great fit for you. Let’s explore the options together and find the plan that meets your needs…”

Scenario 3: Offering Personalized Assistance

  • CSR: “Good afternoon. Thank you for contacting Q Link Wireless. How can I assist you today?”
  • Customer: “I’m interested in signing up for a phone plan, but I’m not sure which one would be best for me. I am part of a tribal community.”
  • CSR: “No problem, I’m here to help. Can you tell me a bit about how you plan to use your phone and what features are important to you?”
  • Customer: “Well, I need it mainly for staying in touch with family and accessing the internet for school and work.”
  • CSR: “Got it. Since you’re from a tribal community, you may qualify for discounted service plans through the Affordable Connectivity Program. Let’s explore the options together and find the plan that best suits your needs and budget…”

In each scenario, the CSR demonstrates active listening, empathy, and cultural sensitivity by acknowledging the customer’s background and specific needs. They engage in meaningful dialogue, ask relevant questions, and offer personalized assistance tailored to the individual’s circumstances, ensuring a positive and respectful interaction.

Now, let’s break into pairs to create scenarios and role-play. 

Please look at the board/projector for a quick list of benefits to help you out: 

  • Discounted service plans: Access to affordable communication services tailored for tribal members, reducing financial barriers.
  • Connectivity enhancement: Addressing internet access challenges on tribal lands through reliable, high-speed internet from participating providers like Q Link Wireless.
  • Stay connected: Ability for individuals and families to stay in touch with loved ones, fostering stronger community bonds.
  • Access educational resources: Opportunity to access remote learning resources, empowering tribal members to pursue educational opportunities.
  • Seek healthcare services: Access to telemedicine services, ensuring individuals can receive necessary healthcare with fewer geographical constraints.
  • Explore economic opportunities: Enhanced connectivity opens doors to economic opportunities, allowing tribal communities to participate in digital economies and entrepreneurship.
  • Bridging the digital divide: The ACP helps bridge the gap in digital access, ensuring equitable access to essential communication services for tribal members.

Here’s a quick breakdown for you and your partner.

  1. Give a warm greeting that thanks the future subscriber for reaching out. 
  2. Ask how you can help. 
  3. Focus on sensitivity. 
  4. Customer will make their request. 
  5. Begin helping the customer by informing them of their options. 

Facilitator notes:

  • Encourage active listening: Remind trainees to actively listen to each other’s roles and responses, fostering effective communication and understanding.
  • Offer constructive feedback: Provide trainees with constructive feedback on their interactions, focusing on areas for improvement and highlighting strengths.
  • Remind trainees to be culturally sensitive: Emphasize the importance of cultural sensitivity in customer interactions, reminding trainees to be respectful and mindful of diverse backgrounds and perspectives.
  • Provide support and guidance: Offer assistance and guidance to trainees as needed, helping them navigate the scenario and address any challenges they may encounter.

4. Q&A Session:

Facilitator notes:

  • Allow CSRs to ask questions and seek clarification on any topics covered during the training.
  • Address any additional concerns or inquiries related to assisting Native American tribal members with Q Link Wireless service sign-ups.
  • Summarize the key points covered during the training session, emphasizing the importance of providing excellent customer service to individuals from Native American tribal communities.

During the training session, we covered several important points for providing excellent customer service to individuals from Native American tribal communities:

Cultural Sensitivity: We emphasized the importance of cultural sensitivity and respect when interacting with customers from Native American tribal communities. It’s crucial to acknowledge and understand their cultural background and unique needs.

Active Listening and Personalized Assistance: We discussed the significance of active listening, asking relevant questions, and offering personalized assistance based on individual needs and circumstances. By actively listening to customers and understanding their specific requirements, we can provide tailored solutions and support.

Access to Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP): We highlighted Q Link Wireless’s participation in the ACP, a government program designed to provide affordable internet access to eligible households, including those residing on Native American tribal lands. CSRs were trained on how to navigate the Q Link Wireless website to access information about ACP eligibility criteria, available service plans, and enrollment procedures.

Benefits of ACP for Tribal Lands: We discussed the specific benefits of the ACP for tribal lands, such as discounted service plans, enhanced connectivity, and improved access to essential communication services for tribal members. CSRs were encouraged to communicate these benefits effectively to potential customers and address any questions or concerns they may have.

Overall, the training session emphasized the importance of providing excellent customer service to individuals from Native American tribal communities by being culturally sensitive, offering personalized assistance, and effectively communicating the benefits of the ACP. By implementing these strategies, CSRs can ensure that all customers receive the support and information they need to make informed decisions and access essential communication services.

  • Encourage CSRs to apply the knowledge and skills gained during the training to effectively assist potential customers and promote the benefits of ACP for tribal lands.

Thank you for participating in this training session. By understanding the benefits of the ACP for tribal lands and learning how to address inquiries from Native American tribal members, you’ll be better equipped to assist potential customers and provide exceptional service as representatives of Q Link Wireless.

Enrolling Your Senior Cat in Pet Insurance

Module 1: Understanding Pet Insurance Basics

  • Lesson 1: Introduction to Pet Insurance

Pet insurance is particularly important as cats age. Here’s why:

  • Financial Protection: As cats get sugar-sprinkled and gray, they may require more frequent veterinary care and treatment for age-related illnesses. Pet insurance provides financial protection by covering a portion of the costs associated with veterinary visits, medications, diagnostic tests, and treatments. This can significantly alleviate the financial burden on pet owners, especially when faced with unexpected medical expenses for their senior cats.
  • Coverage for Pre-existing Conditions: Senior cats are likely to have conditions such as arthritis, dental disease, kidney disease, or diabetes. Having insurance in place before these conditions develop ensures that they are not considered pre-existing and may be covered under the policy, depending on the terms.
  • Peace of Mind: Pet insurance offers peace of mind to pet owners, knowing that they can provide the best possible care for their senior cats. It allows pet owners to make decisions based on their cat’s health needs rather than financial constraints, ensuring that their furry companions receive timely and appropriate medical attention.
  • Customizable Coverage: Many pet insurance providers offer customizable coverage options that allow pet owners to tailor their policy to their senior cat’s specific needs. This may include options for wellness care, dental coverage, prescription medications, alternative therapies, and more, ensuring comprehensive coverage that meets the unique healthcare needs of senior cats.
  • Early Detection and Management: Pet insurance encourages pet owners to seek preventive care and routine check-ups for their senior cats, as these can help detect and address potential health concerns before they escalate into more serious problems.

Pet insurance for senior cats provides financial protection, peace of mind, and access to comprehensive healthcare, ensuring that aging felines receive the care and attention they need to live happy, healthy lives in their golden years.

  • Lesson 2: Types of Coverage
    • Accident-Only Coverage: This type of plan focuses specifically on injuries resulting from accidents, such as broken bones, cuts, or poisoning. It doesn’t cover illnesses or pre-existing conditions. Accident-only plans are often more affordable but provide limited coverage.
    • Accident and Illness Coverage: These plans provide broader protection, covering both accidental injuries and illnesses. This includes conditions like infections, allergies, cancer, and chronic diseases. Accident and illness plans typically cover veterinary visits, diagnostic tests, medications, surgeries, and treatments related to covered conditions.
    • Comprehensive Coverage: Also known as wellness or preventative care coverage, comprehensive plans offer the most extensive protection. In addition to accidents and illnesses, they may cover routine veterinary care like vaccinations, dental cleanings, and wellness exams. Comprehensive plans often include coverage for alternative therapies, prescription medications, and behavioral treatments, providing holistic care for your pet’s overall health and well-being.

Each type of coverage has its own benefits and cost considerations. Pet owners should carefully assess their pet’s needs, budget, and health risks when choosing a plan. It’s also essential to review the policy details, including coverage limits, deductibles, waiting periods, and exclusions, to ensure the chosen plan provides the desired level of protection for your furry friend.

  • Lesson 3: Policy Terms and Conditions
    • Deductible: A deductible is the amount you must pay out of pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in. For example, if you have a $200 deductible and your vet bill is $500, you pay the first $200, and then your insurance will reimburse you for the remaining $300.
    • Reimbursement Level: This refers to the percentage of covered expenses that the insurance company will reimburse you for after you’ve met your deductible. Reimbursement levels typically range from 70% to 90%. For example, if your reimbursement level is 80% and your vet bill is $1,000 after meeting your deductible, you will receive $800 from the insurance company, and you will be responsible for paying the remaining $200.
    • Coverage Exclusions: These are conditions, treatments, and services that are not covered by your pet insurance plan. Common exclusions include pre-existing conditions, cosmetic procedures, breeding-related expenses, and preventive care. It’s essential to review the policy’s exclusions carefully to understand what is and isn’t covered.
    • Annual Coverage Limits: Many pet insurance plans have an annual coverage limit, which is the maximum amount the insurance company will pay out in a policy year. Once you reach this limit, the insurance company will no longer reimburse you for covered expenses until the next policy year begins.
    • Waiting Periods: Most pet insurance plans have waiting periods, which are the amount of time you must wait after enrolling before coverage begins. Waiting periods typically apply to bills resulting from accidents, illnesses, and certain treatments or procedures.
    • Renewability: Understanding the renewability of your policy is crucial. Some policies offer lifetime coverage, meaning they will continue to cover your pet for the duration of their life, as long as you maintain the policy and pay premiums on time. Others have age limits or restrictions on renewability.

By familiarizing yourself with these common policy terms and aspects of pet insurance plans, you can make informed decisions when selecting a policy and ensure that you understand how your coverage works. It’s essential to carefully review the terms and conditions of any pet insurance policy to ensure it meets your pet’s needs and provides the desired level of protection.

Pre-Existing Conditions – Canada


30-Second Version:

[“Let’s explore the ins and outs of pre-existing conditions in pet insurance policies!” – Placed bottom of screen for entire duration of video]

Script/Voice OverStoryboard/Shot list

Welcome, thanks for joining us today. We’re going to discuss an important aspect of pet insurance: pre-existing conditions. What are pre-existing conditions? Pre-existing conditions are health issues or medical conditions that exist before enrolling in a pet insurance policy. Understanding how pre-existing conditions are handled in pet insurance is very important for pet parents to understand.  So, let’s explore the ins and outs of pre-existing conditions in pet insurance policies!
MC dog is walking up to the vet. Scooter sees pets playing in the waiting room and blushes/holds his head slightly down. He is holding his dog mom’s hand.
MC’s face starts out somewhat nervous as the narrator says, “Scooter wants to learn about pre-existing conditions.”
As the narrator speaks the next lines the (below) words pop out all around MC. He is looking (left and right) at the words, surprised and getting progressively more excited.
KINETIC TEXT:Pre-existing conditions are health issues or medical conditions that exist before enrolling in a pet insurance policy.
KINETIC TEXT:You are a good pet parent.
Let’s find out more. 

(5) Examples of pre-existing conditions include chronic illnesses such as diabetes, kidney disease, or allergies that a fur baby was diagnosed with prior to enrolling in an insurance plan.

(6) Injuries such as fractures or ligament tears that occurred before the insurance coverage began would also be considered pre-existing conditions.

(7) It’s important for pet owners to disclose any pre-existing conditions when applying for insurance coverage, as these may impact the coverage and benefits provided by the policy.
KINETIC TEXT:Here are a few examples of pre-existing conditions: DiabetesKidney diseaseAllergiesFracturesLigament tears
Scooter looks back at the camera, excited andcurious.
KINETIC TEXT EXAGGERATED:Let’s Learn about Pre-Existing Conditions!

Spot Video –  Optimal Coverage

30-Second Version:

[“Let’s navigate pre-existing conditions for optimal coverage.” – Placed bottom of screen for entire duration of video]

Script/Voice OverStoryboard/Shot list

Understanding pre-existing conditions is crucial for pet owners considering insurance coverage because it directly impacts the coverage and benefits their pets will receive. Pre-existing conditions refer to any health issues or medical conditions that exist before enrolling in a pet insurance policy. It’s essential for pet owners to have a clear understanding of how pre-existing conditions are defined by insurance providers and how they are addressed in their policy. Knowing whether certain conditions are considered pre-existing can help pet owners make informed decisions when selecting a policy. Additionally, understanding pre-existing conditions can help pet owners manage their expectations regarding coverage limitations and potential out-of-pocket expenses. By having a thorough understanding of pre-existing conditions, pet owners can choose the insurance coverage that best suits their pet’s needs and provides the most comprehensive protection.

Scooter sees a dog in a pet wheelchair and looks sad. He sinks his head a bit lower as the narrator says, “Scooter hopes that the dog in the wheelchair will get the treatment he needs.”

As the narrator speaks the next lines the (below) words pop out all around Scooter. He is looking (left and right) at the words, smiling at each one.
KINETIC TEXT:Every pet parent can make informed decisions.KINETIC TEXT:Selecting a policy is easy when you understand which treatments and conditions may be excluded from coverage. 

KINETIC TEXT:Choose the insurance coverage that best suits your pet’s needs.

Get the most comprehensive protection.

Scooter looks back at the camera, excited and curious.
KINETIC TEXT EXAGGERATED:Now We Are Going to Find Out More About Pre-Existing Conditions. 

Spot Video – What are Pre-existing Conditions?

30-Second Version:

[“Pre-existing conditions impact coverage and benefits.” – Placed bottom of screen for entire duration of video]

Script/Voice OverStoryboard/Shot list

Pre-existing conditions in pet insurance refer to health issues that occurred before the start of the pet insurance coverage. These are typically conditions for which the pet showed signs, symptoms, or received treatment before the insurance policy went into effect.

(2) Examples of pre-existing conditions include chronic illnesses such as diabetes, kidney disease, or allergies that the pet was diagnosed with prior to enrolling in the insurance plan.

(3) Injuries such as fractures or ligament tears that occurred before the insurance coverage began would also be considered pre-existing conditions. It’s important for pet owners to disclose any pre-existing conditions when applying for insurance coverage, as these may impact the coverage and benefits provided by the policy.
Scooter sits next to the toy chest at the vet. He sees Luna for the first time. She nudges a ball toward him, and they start playing. 

The narrator says, “Both Scooter and Luna want to feel safe and they want their parents to focus on care, not cost.”

As the narrator speaks the next lines the (below) words pop out all around Luna. She is looking (left and right) at the words, surprised and getting progressively more excited.
KINETIC TEXT:Pre-existing conditions are no fun. KINETIC TEXT:Pre-existing conditions include chronic illnesses and allergies.

KINETIC TEXT:Fractures or ligament tears are also pre-existing conditions. 

Luna and Scooter look back at the camera, smiling and cheering.
KINETIC TEXT EXAGGERATED:Now we understand pre-existing conditions!

Spot Video – How Pre-existing Conditions Affect Coverage 

30-Second Version:

[“Always understand the specifics of your policy.” – Placed bottom of screen for entire duration of video]

Script/Voice OverStoryboard/Shot list

Pre-existing conditions can significantly impact coverage under pet insurance plans, as insurers typically exclude coverage for these conditions and related treatments. When a pet has a pre-existing condition, it means that the condition existed before the insurance policy went into effect. As a result, insurers may choose to exclude coverage for any treatments, medications, or procedures related to that pre-existing condition.

(2) Pet owners may be responsible for covering the costs of treating pre-existing conditions out-of-pocket. It’s important to note that what qualifies as a pre-existing condition may vary depending on the insurer’s policies and the specific terms of the insurance plan. What one insurer considers a pre-existing condition, another may not, so it’s essential for pet owners to carefully review the policy terms and disclosures before enrolling their pets. (3) Additionally, some insurers may offer coverage for pre-existing conditions under certain circumstances, such as after a waiting period or with additional coverage options, so it’s crucial for pet owners to understand the specifics of their insurance coverage.

Scooter knocks the ball over Luna’s head. She hobbles to get it, but Scooter barks to let her know he’s got it. He knows she has a pre-existing condition. 

 Scooter’s face shows he feels bad for Luna as the narrator says, “Scooter is in for just a check-up and vaccines. He knows Luna has a fracture from getting stuck in a tree. He hopes Luna’s mom has good coverage to help her out. ” 
As the narrator speaks next lines, the (below) words pop out all around the MCs. Both are looking (left and right) at the words, smiling at each one.
KINETIC TEXT:Coverage provides peace of mind.KINETIC TEXT:Not every pre-existing condition is covered. Some pet owners might have to pay for treatments, medications, or procedures.

Everyone wants to feel good.Review your policy terms.
 Check out the specific pre-existing conditions  that may get coverage!Always understand the specifics of your policy. 

Resolution: One bite at a time


One mistake that rookie writers make is to cut straight to the resolution after the climax. Clean breaks in a story are not realistic. Humans crave closure after big events. It is not enough to break up with someone; the status quo is that a person needs closure to heal their broken heart. Humans have made closure an essential on the way to happiness. American endings harp on closure. Decide whether you want your conclusion to be genuine or popular, not unlike Cady Heron’s fate.

Not all endings can be European
The resolution in Mean Girls is when Girl World, the shared reality of all teenage girls within the same vicinity, is restored without a social hierarchy. The North Shore girls are all supposed to get along in theory. While wildly implausible, Americans do not appreciate what is called a European ending. Characterized as a more realistic ending than the saccharine ones of Hollywood. American ends must leave everyone smiling and a little sad the journey is over now.

The limit does exist
If Mean Girls had a European finish, the social hierarchy would still exist, maybe not as intensely. Cady would certainly not act as Aaron Samuel’s hometown beard as he navigated Northwestern: college boys do not date high school girls after Thanksgiving. Make sure your ending has common sense involved. Secondary schools thrive on the social caste system and would mostly be lost without it.

Your protagonist cannot have their cake and eat it too. They must fully change or not at all for an American ending. A European ending is more balanced, but not as popular.

Climax: Ch-cha-changes

change-948017_1920Climax: Ch-cha-changes

The essence of a story is transformation. Conflict occurs when the protagonist is not ready for a life-altering change. Act 1, or the beginning of your memoir, is about the seeds of innovation being planted. In the movie Mean Girls Cady Heron, the protagonist develops from a humble outsider to the regent queen bee of the Plastics. The crisis is the discovery of North Shore’s burn book, and the climax will be Cady’s decision on how she will proceed with her social life.

As within so without
All climaxes are internal and external. The protagonist must go within to affect the without. Cady has to choose between returning to her true, albeit unpopular, self or sacrifice herself to teenage darkness by being the ultimate mean girl. Cady’s internal climax, the choice between nerd or teen queen, is embodied when Janis Ian, her genuine female friend she has abandoned in her quest for popularity, outs her during the fallout of the Burn Book.

‘Cuse me as I learn to be human
Cady somewhat unrealistically chooses to reclaim her organic self. She has to compete as a Mathlete and show herself as a “nerd” rather than a “cool girl”. The once queen bee transforms not from a nerd to a cool girl, but from an unsocialized girl to a fully socialized teenage girl who has a good and bad side, which is not always balanced.

A story is only meaningful when a person revises their life views. People fear change because initially they are worse off than when they were ignorant. Transformations take quite a bit of bravery, something that the average person is terrified that they may not have.

Writing Your Memoir: Let’s Get Complicated


Rookie writers may not understand the difference between being dramatic and being interesting. Stories thrive on conflict and the perception might be that more problems add excitement to the story. Too much conflict exhausts the reader and dilutes the potency of your tale. Complications, rising and minor, can serve to build tension and sympathy for the protagonist if not overused.

Blood on the pages

Conflict is the essence of every story. As humans, we seek to maintain a middle ground between content and stressed. No one watches reality shows to see kumbaya moments. Humans crave emotional or literal blood, as long as it is not happening to them. Complications must start off small and then continue to build all while remaining realistic. Keep in mind predictable is not the same thing as organic.

Forget the obvious

Mistaking a love interest hugging a woman that will eventually turn out to be his sister or cousin is tedious. In order to develop a sense of credence, the complications should not be rushed or be overwhelming in numbers. Examples of complications, not conflict, include waking up late, missing the bus, and getting to work late all on the day you have the biggest presentation of your life. True conflict is whether you can deliver your best despite a series of minor obstacles that have shaken every fiber of your being.

Triumph and setbacks

Minor conflicts must strike a balance between small triumphs and discouraging setbacks. Maybe when you miss the bus, you manage to get the neighbor you have been lusting over to give you a ride. This is a perfect solution until the dog that your are pet sitting escapes, causing your neighbor and you to chase the yapping creature frantically before the notorious cat that lives in the park kidnaps him in hopes of world domination. Once you catch the pooch in the nick of time, you have a triumph in relation to the setback of him escaping.

Gray is the new maybe

The best complications and conflicts have no right answers. You could have left the dog alone and continued on your way. It may have been disappointing to the readers, but if you made a concession like getting the neighbor to promise that they would retrieve the canine after dropping you off it would be feasible. Having a gray area rather than stark black and white allows the readers to have an emotional reaction to your choice. This reaction is always desirable; you want people talking about your memoir.


Avoid overly predictable situations. Readers should not roll their eyes because your story is just a repeat of everything else. They should cheer you on as the complications add tension to the story and allows them to emotionally invest in your triumph.

I Will Not Fear the Business Plan Part One: Audience

No matter what stage a business is in, a business plan is a must. Startups especially must have one. A business plan, hereafter referred to as BP, is a financial document with a narrative. I like to think of it as a persuasive essay and math worksheets hybrid. When a new business is in the planning stages, it can be too easy to throw money at everything and hoping everything works out. That mentality is a surefire way to fail.

A BP asks you to answer the hard questions about your business. For example, who is your target audience? Your product/service may not exactly appeal to who you may think. A few years ago a cereal bar opened next to the University of Miami, over 500 different types of cereal and quite a few toppings were offered. College kids and cereal should have been a home run, but it fell short. I went in there one day and all I saw were young children delighted at the idea of Capt Crunch and Coco Pebbles in the same bowl as strawberry milk.

The owners tried to capitalize on this surprise audience too late in the game and closed within six months. If they had been open to other audiences, they could have done quite well. This business exemplifies the value of a BP for truly contemplating who your audience(s) could be and who might be interested as well.


When you open a business, there should be some room as to who your target audience is. Your marketing efforts should be directed to who you feel will be a stronger presence, but keep in mind that who you want to respond and who actually responds are two different beasts.

What is the Best Sugar Reducer on the Market?

White Mulberry

What is the Best Sugar Reducer on the Market?

Limitless Abilities

Better Quality=Better Results

Do not bother with inferior products that may not even work.

Dr. Oz, America’s most recognizable doctor, brought white mulberry to the attention of the American market. Now scammers are rushing to cut corners and sell to uninformed consumers. Do not be fooled!

We at Limitless Abilities offer you the highest quality product. No doubt, you have done some research on this amazing product, but you should be aware of competitors selling lower grade products that may not produce results. Given the surge in popularity, many see this as an opportunity to cash in without regard to quality. There are many factors to consider when deciding which company is the best.

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Stop What You Are Doing and Write Your Memoir

Humans write to communicate and connect. The memoir is the perfect way to do both. Most assume that if they are not a celebrity or they have not survived a national tragedy, then their words will not be valued. Siren Publications is here to tell you that is incorrect. We lead lives of loves, disappointments and triumphs in which others may relate. The stories we tell ourselves every day internally help shape the world and ourselves. Memoirs are the best form of therapy and the best part is that it is free! Writing down your life story makes it possible to see where the ego gets in the way of progress. We replay moments in our head and more importantly apply them to other events, singular and ongoing. If we give one thought, memory or assumption such a power subconsciously, then we must take back that energy back. There is a notion that the authority in telling our story is in the actual act of writing. After all, the power in our lives comes from living. However, the power in our lives does not come from living it, but in the reflection of it all. The power in writing comes from revision and the power of living fuels reflection. Read More