A/B Testing


The goal of all testing is to figure out by changing _____into_________ I can get more prospects to __________and thus increase _________.


A/B pits two or more design pages against each other to see which works best with the targeted audience. This includes testing on content, graphics, etc.  The goal of a/b testing is to gather data, make insights and consider doing customer interviews. Talk to the people in customer service who have direct contact with customers and can offer guidance. Start with a hypothesis about your page to get the ball rolling. Anything is worthy of testing as long as you have a metric and something to start with. If you want to try new colors than do so, or re angle context


Getting insight is the only thing that matters without it even the prettiest landing page is worthless. Your personal preferences do not matter. Your ego cannot take the wheel of your business. Start with a hypothesis about your page to get the ball rolling. Anything is worthy of testing as long as you have a metric and something to start with. If you want to try new colors than do so, or re angle context. Keeps your eyes primed on the goal and do not play around needlessly.


A variant is a different take of your current page. You must be able to compare and contrast two similar versions.  You can design and compare as many pages as you want, (A, B. C, D, E). The caveat is that the more pages you have, the more traffic you will need to test. Target what you are going to test

Sound simple, but quite a bit needs to be tested. Variants for testing are as follows:

  • Campaign message (change the wording)
  • Hero shot (try different shots for each target market)
  • Body text (separate into bullet points)
  • Features & benefits (play around with priority placement)
  • CTA (make smaller or bigger)
  • Lead gen form (ask for more or less information)

The following is a link for a website that aids in a/b testing: https://vwo.com/. I have not used it yet, but mostly likely will in the future.

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