Repackage Your Content


You have a solid Twitter feed and great website copy. Perhaps you also have a company to run or a happy hour to attend to and cannot constantly keep new content flowing to help your ranking or just keep your readers entertained. There is quite a bit you can do with your old content. zebrahorse

  1. Add a video.

All you need is a camera and some lighting for this repackaging. Make you content come alive by offering a tutorial or giving behind the scenes advice.  Make sure that you are dressed appropriately and have practiced a few times before recording. If you fudge a few lines, start over. Once you are done, put the video on YouTube or Vimeo to attract new attention and clients.

  1. Add an image

Digital natives love photo sharing sites like Instagram to bring their message to life. Most of the time the message is, “Hey! I am eating this delicious plate of food” or “look at my shiny new significant other.” Target their preferences by adding images. A great website for this is Click on the following link for an example:

If you own a restaurant, ask your patrons to upload photos of their food to your social media outlets. It will serve a double purpose of getting patrons involved and making your repackaging easier.


  1. Make a podcast

Everyone has been bored in traffic and wondered how else they could use their time.  A podcast is perfect. You can read your content (please with some emotion though) and entertain your subscribers.


  1. Make an e-Book

An e-Book is a quality way to make you an expert in your field. Take your best posts, elaborate on them and format for Kindle. If you have trouble formatting, hire a freelancer to do this for you. The best part is once formatted you can recycle the technical aspects for future books. Just make sure you have a reliable editor so you will not come across as hokey.

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